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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A list of questions railfans don't like to be asked

Article By Ian Cole

I often have to deal with people who are unfamiliar with the railfanning hobby. People who may not even have a clue at all about the railroads. This is a good opportunity to spread some awareness and shed light on a subject, that doesn't get talked about all that much. But there are some questions that absolutely drive us nuts.. Today at RPJ, we have compiled a list of questions that just drive us nuts, and we will actually do our best to answer them through here (we may get sarcastic on some).

Q:Do you know the schedule of the trains?

A: For the most part no. Railroads in North America (Outside of passenger trains) Don't have schedules because so much can go wrong. (Locomotive breaks down, maintenance issues, auto router screws things up) Passenger schedule you can pretty much look up on the internet for almost every railroad that offers it.

Q: Is there a steam train coming?

A: Most of the time no, but there may be something interesting coming like a rare locomotive, or an unusual freight load, etc

Q: Are you a terrorist?

A: Does it look like I got a damn bomb on my chest?

Q: What are you doing by the tracks?

A: I'm waiting for a boat to show up....  I'm filming trains...

Q: What's a heritage unit?

A: A heritage unit is a specially painted train that either Norfolk Southern or Union Pacific made.

Q: Are you a hobo?

A: No (Proceeds to shave beard) 

Q:  How many engines does it have?

A: some have one others have 2 others have 7 others have 30

Q: do you do this every day?

A: I wish

Q: Why do you like trains?

A: Why do you like football or pizza?

Q: Why is there no caboose

A: Why don't you ask F.R.E.D.? (Flashing Rear End Device)

Q: Don't you have a life?

A: I sure do but judging by your search history on your computer I should be asking you that question.

Q: Are you gay for trains?

A: f*ck you

Chances are railfans don't like to be asked a lot of these questions, and results of asking these questions may result in anything from a simple answer to being punched in the face or worse.. 


  1. Q: Are you gay for trains?

    A: f*ck you

    I have punched someone in the stomach for asking me that in high school. He was one of those stereotypical A**holes you get, won't let up on anything. The other people around me agreed that he had it coming. The dude just didn't know when to shut up. I got off with a warning because it was my first offense, and the guy didn't try to fight back because he was too stunned that I finally stood up for myself.

    1. I came close to it myself dude. Chucked a spike at another dude for trying to start shit with me... I wanted to crucify that one mother fucker

  2. "Q: are you gay for trains?
    A: f*ck you"

    A whole bunch of guys at my school call me "train boy" and they all think im sexually attracted to trains, they often make sexual noises and say sexual things regarding trains... -_-
    Why are people so... Retarded?

    1. Because they are caught up in bandwagon culture... fucked up kill or be killed world we live in. I say fuck you to most of them

  3. I always get the why do you like trains question, my answer, why do you like to breathe?

  4. Back when the OJ Simpson trial was going on UP happened to be running a special train through Sandpoint, Idaho where the infamous Mark Fuhrman had just moved to. There was a bunch of fans waiting along US Highway 95 for the train to pass and of course people started stopping and asked what are you doing? At one point this car pulls up and a person who a short a few brain cells asked some question and someone said "They just found Mark Fuhrman's body at the there and a white Bronco is being chased down 95". The lady got so excited and told her husband to head home so they could watch it on the news, not paying attention there was no police, tv crews, crime tape or anything else to indicate something had happened. :-).

  5. I hung around my friendly neighborhood shortline growing up. A few of the employees made fun of me not liking buffs but most of them were really nice because they knew I was just the type of kid who needed guidance (my dad died when I was 11). One employee was the President (of the RR's) Son who was about 2 or 3 years older than me when I was like 15 or 16 and he asked once if any kid was giving me shit, he'd take care of them but I took care of it myself.

    I laugh looking back at the "You Like Trains You Must be Gay Logic" (I will admit I didn't have a girlfriend BUT most of the girls I asked out gave me the "you're like a brother speech) because many of the guys who used that logic about me being a homo well aren't exactly successful in the ladies department nor do they have kids, I am married with 2 kids.
    Liking trains does not make you a wuss either. I have taken a lot of shit in my life for a lot of stuff including from other guys in the Army but it was great fun to CHOKE the hell out of a guy who had a rep as a tough guy and basically make him lose all of his cred!

  6. I'm 17 and a senior in high school. Ever since 3rd grade I've been left aside, thrown away, and harassed about liking trains much like you others have commented here. It's funny as I look around present day, as all the people who gave me crap for it don't have jobs, and are druggies. Then I view myself and I'm a safety conductor, I'm part of a museum, I'm in a historical society (WNYRHS), and I have a girl who embraces my hobby. Proof of the old saying that the underdog will almost always come out on top.

  7. Haha, most foamers think they know everything about the railroad when most , if not all of them don't really know a damn thing other than the Wikipedia knowledge they just gained. They don't know anything about the next slow order, hazardous car placement, or how to switch a train out.
